
Showing posts with the label Standing Rules

Nominations are Open!

Our Member-at-Large announced Saturday Nominations for SKCGS President and Treasurer are open . We would be pleased to get applications soon. Write to  so the discussion and support can begin.  The team encourages all SKCGS Members to consider what you want from your Board of Directors, to send us your suggested candidates and consider applying yourselves.   Your Board of directors appreciates volunteers and will support new nominees as they get to know the Board members and the outlines of their prospective positions. South King County Genealogical Society President The President has a vital role in leading and guiding the organization to achieve its mission and goals . South King County Genealogical Society wants a President who:  Provides overall leadership and vision for the organization, ensuring that it remains focused on its mission and long-term objectives.  Inspires and motivates the board, volunteers, and stakeholders Wo...

Heads Up: New Bylaws Being Proposed

Greetings, all.    Some years ago, we met at a fun Special Meeting at the Black Diamond Library to adopt new Bylaws for the South King County Genealogical Society. These were the result of months of hard work, reading, writing, and consulting with others about how to help our Society work more smoothly. For the most part, we've been happy with the outcome, although virtual meetings have no Black Diamond Bakery cookies 🍪. Updated  Revised Code of Washington The State of Washington updated the section of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) governing non-profits a couple of years ago, and our bylaws have not yet fully incorporated these updates.   While reviewing our governing documents, we have also come up with changes we think will make it easier to recruit leadership  and streamline the way things work for all Members . First, the Board has now adopted a few small changes in the Standing Rules , and new policies about conflicts of interest and records re...

South King County Genealogical Society - September Happenings

South King County Genealogical Society September Happenings Welcome back to a new program year! The Society has been so busy adopting new Bylaws and Standing Rules this summer that it does not feel as though we have been away. I am excited to begin working with the new governance structure developed by our hard-working Bylaws Committee. Dorothy Pretare, Marilyn Schunke, and Valorie Zimmerman have devoted countless hours during the past eleven months to bring the structure of our Society up-to-date. Please say “thank you” to each one of them when you see them. The Standing Rules were adopted at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors, Monday, August 19. The President’s recommendations to fill the four Directors of Standing Committees were approved by the Board, and we now have a complete slate of Directors. Thank you to those who have agreed to serve: Education – Janet Camarata, Publicity – Valorie Zimmerman, Outreach – Rich Thayer, and Resource Management – Mari...

August Society News and Activities

                     August Society News and Activities It has not been a “lazy” summer for hard-working Society volunteers.  At a Special Membership Meeting, July 13, at the Black Diamond Library, the Bylaws Committee presented proposed new Bylaws for the Society.  Over the past year, the Bylaws Committee ably led by Dorothy Pretare with Marilyn Schunke and Valorie Zimmerman devoted countless hours of study and thought into developing a completely new governing document for our Society.  The members present adopted them after an active question and discussion period.   The next step is the adoption of Standing Rules at the Board Retreat on August 24th.  The proposed new structure will require many new volunteers to distribute the work required to achieve our mission of furthering genealogical research and promoting interest in family and local history.  Please say yes when I call you to reque...