
Showing posts with the label Jayne Sinclair

The Salford Sioux Book Review

Book Jacket from Amazon  November, 1896  Salford, England On a very cold day in industrial Salford, England, Harold became the newest resident of the local workhouse.  His wife and children had gone home to her family until Harold could find work to support his family.     'So, what's your story, mate? Why are you in here?'        'It's a long story.'      'I'm sure it is, but we've got a long time.' . . . 'We likes a good story, mate. So what's yours?'      For a second, a memory of his grandfather sitting round a fire telling his stories of  t he past came back to him.  Maybe it was time to tell what had happened and why he was here.      The scent of the tobacco helped him decide.     'I was born in the Moon when Trees Crack with the Cold, or what you would call February in Salford. . .' 1 March, 2024 Manchester England Martin and Isobel Walker are brother and siste...