The Future of Genealogy?
Dark Matter Structure Courtesy Physics Scientists estimate that there is five times the amount of "dark matter" in the universe than regular matter. Matter is everything that we can see, measure, or experience outside of thought, imagination and spiritual experience. But dark matter can so far only be simulated, although it must exist because of the powerful gravitational force it exerts within our cosmos. The latest NOVA on PBS, " Decoding the Universe: Cosmos " is about the discoveries in astrophysics in the past 50 years. An image of the theoretical structure of this dark matter struck me so strongly I had to pause the program and begin writing to you and thinking about why that image stopped me. The scientists are working with dark matter, and dark energy, about which they still know little, and yet it surrounds us, unseen . Re-watching this NOVA, I'm struck over and over by the parallels between our r...