
Showing posts with the label stories

Fresh Look

Valorie Zimmerman fan chart from Sometimes we want to take a break from researching, or our budget tells us  that we need to do so.  How will you handle this? We know that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" but you are reading this post, so you still want to learn more. What to do? Will  exploring a new (free) website  be enough? Everything—every search, every record, every download—on FamilySearch is free and available every day, all year long * . The same is true at the Library of Congress , the National Archives , , all the US state archives, and state digital newspaper collections, your own public library system, and often neighboring systems as well! King County Washington residents have access not only to KCLS , but also Pierce County , Snohomish County , and Seattle Public Libraries as well. Don't overlook local college and university libraries, county and city archives and many large and some smaller museums. Sometimes gett...

Making Memories

  Another year, another memory? What memories will you make this year?  Get ready to share them! Vecteezy obtained 12-28-2024 " Martha, w hy do you do so much cooking and baking every holiday? Don't your daughters and daughters-in-law take over that work?" I overheard this question from among a group of ladies at a senior center several years ago. Martha's answer has always stuck with me and brings up an interesting viewpoint. "One of my most cherished memories of my grandmother was that she always made the most wonderful foods for each holiday. Yes, my mother and aunts cooked and baked, too, but Grandma's foods had that special ingredient of love, because of her extra effort. Grandma always cooked for the holidays. " I want my grandchildren to remember me that way , that I always cooked for the holidays." Vecteezy obtained 12-28-2024 Once, when my son was about 25 years old, he told me he remembered that, when he was a kid (5 or 6 years earlier), ...

To Your Health!

Adobe Stock: Generative AI Doing genealogy is good for us No matter how you define it, learning family traditions, story, lore, and placing ourselves into the flow of history is good for our health. And for those of us who do research, the thrill of discovery and of connecting with cousins can't be beat. Pure joy. There have been some academic studies about the value of knowing our family and community history for youngsters, but we don't need studies to know that those benefits stay with us all our lives. In this increasingly fragmented world, a sense of belonging keeps us centered . Those who plan or attend family reunions often build memories that last for a lifetime.  Milestone celebrations  such a births, birthdays, shared holidays, graduations, engagements, weddings, housewarmings, homecomings and funerals are fundamental ways of structuring family ties, even when our relatives and ancestors leave us. There is something solemn and sacred about leaving flowers on a grave;...

How to Tell The Story

  Tree of Life by Not All Stories Need Words Art can speak to us in photos, plays, poems, skits, dioramas, quilts, songs, photographs, even maps and diagrams.  Family trees are stories, too . When you view a timeline of an ancestor's life, does a story spring to mind? Those who think they can't write, can record their story on their phones, or computers. Both Word and Google Docs have voice transcription power.   Tell Your Own Story The magic moment is when a person realizes that they have a story to tell. Is it one of walking hand in hand down a dusty road with great-grandmother? Whether or nit she told her story, your memory is yours; tell it! Sometimes it is the little moments, such as after the ghost story is told around the campfire, when all the kids suddenly feel the urge to get back to the cabin and out of the dark night. Or the feeling after catching your first fish, proudly walking past the crowd to clean it so you can eat yo...

Crack the Nut

Free public domain CC0 image, courtesy RawPixel Crack the Nut, or First Things First What is your  greatest challenge when writing up your research work? For me, it was always writing citations . Key step for me to resolving this was to change my habits and make writing the citation the first thing I do, right in the planning stage. Lead with a Citation How does that make sense, when I've not even found the source I'm looking for? One of the first steps in a research project is planning; narrowing the topic (research question), gathering the context (history and locality), then ranking the possible sources of the needed information by ease of access, reliability, accessibility, cost, and chance of success in answering the question. In the planning stage, we have identified the databases or record groups we want to consult, so this is the right time to craft a citation. All the information we need, except for the specific records you will find is available, so Just Do It Now. A...

Tell All the Stories, Everywhere

Research Workshop We had a full house at Friday's Research Workshop, which is what our superstar SKCGS Member Winona calls our Members-only monthly hours at the Kent FamilySearch Center.  CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 DEED by David Gurteen: "Research Workshop" Every person with whom I had time to talk, whether new to research or life-long genealogists, talked about the stories they have uncovered and their inner pressure to tell them. Some feel most comfortable telling them only to family members who are interested; others want to put those stories in our Auburn Library Vertical Files, and/or in the files at the White River Museum or other local archives.   Ideas which came up in our conversations included adding those memories, stories, photos and record images to profiles in the FamilySearch Family Tree, on Wikitree  profiles  and even in Ancestry, MyHeritage or other public (or private, but shared with family) trees. Not everyone is comfortable sharing their research onlin...

Tell Me A Story

Image from page 86 of "The diary of a birthday doll" (1908); Internet Archive Book Images; public domain Lies my Grandmother told me My Grandmother Billie was a character. She spoke her mind and had a Scot-Irish brogue and heritage. Born Wilhelmina Marian Gamble, after her father William. She always went by Billie. The following statements were not necessarily made directly to me. Some I found while researching our family tree. Though not surprised that stories are not altogether truthful, I was really surprised that some were made to government officials. Graduated from High School. In our family, it was understood that Grandma Billie “finished” high school. Though she lost a year to illness, she graduated early. She did have a severe illness at a young age, which may have led to her missing school and resulted in a mitral valve problem later in life. 1 However, it looks like her “graduating early” was due to marrying Oct 1926 2 , at the age of 17-3⁄4. Her first chi...

Untold Stories

Illustration Vectors by Vecteezy I love serendipity!  I've been toying with a blog topic for a couple of weeks and have even received a couple of responses for future publication.  The basic topic is storytelling and title of the blog asks people to "Tell Me A Story".  More on this below. Friday April 26,2024, on ABC's Good Morning, America  there was an item about a new book, Cemetery for Untold Stories  by Julia Alvarez.  Brief synopsis of the book: an author decides to literally bury a pile of unfinished manuscripts in a cemetery plot and be done with them.  But the characters in the manuscripts protest and haunt her to finish their stories.  That sounded so intriguing, I had to go on Amazon and purchase the book! I am about one third into the book and Alma, the protagonist is expressing some of my exact thoughts.  The epigraph is a simple four words: Tell me a story.   I swear, and have witnesses, that I started using that phrase bef...