February 2019 SKCGS NEWS
By Barbara Mattoon The Society offers many opportunities to learn and develop genealogy skills in both large and small groups. We endeavor to offer activities at times and locations that will allow the largest number of members to participate. March will kick-off with the F amily T ree M aker U sers G roup meeting on Saturday March 2, at the Auburn Library from 10:15 – 11:45. Winona Laird will teach us how to use Error Reports in FTM. Please RSVP to Dave Liesse at ftm-group@skcgs.org as soon as you know you can attend. We are outgrowing our space at the Auburn Library and may have to find an alternate location. If that happens, we want to be able to let you know where to find us. ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Our long-awaited DNA Special Interest Group...