What Are The Neighbors Up To This Summer?
By Valorie Zimmerman and MaryLynn Strickland While gathering contact information from Washington state genealogy societies, historical and heritage groups, and museums, a gem became obvious: The Jefferson County Historical Society , which has some fascinating places to visit also has a Research Center, which they say, “ .serves as both the primary research facility and the repository for the Society's archival collections. Staff and volunteers are on hand to assist researchers.” See their website for more information: http://jchsmuseum.org/Sites/ResearchCenter.html . This group is also active on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jeffcountymuseum . Even more exciting: you can access part of their collection now, sitting at your computer! See https://cdm16785.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/ to search. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are a few more interesting societies. We do not wish to overlook anybody but space does not allow ...