Collaboration in Life
Courtesy of Pixabay; Peggy & Marco, artists Chat was Great! Following our society November monthly genealogy Chat, I was left with an emotional high I had not felt in quite a while. And I have been thinking since then – what made me feel so good and how does it affect anything or everything genealogy-speaking? Working with Relatives After sifting thoughts and memories, I realized that the chat reminded me of how my Grand-Aunt Bessie Arminta McPherson Hill captivated me with our family stories and memories. I thought about some of my best genealogy times – when I met a Tennessee cousin who had gone to school with my Dad’s youngest brother on an email list where we researched virtually together for over 10 years until her death. We corresponded online with loads of cousins and other folks from East Tennessee families. It was a heady feeling. I thought of looking for lost graveyards with my cousin Terry on old Manhattan Project land in Tennessee, still under lock and key just 20 ye...