When Life Gives You Lemons . . .
Options Make Lemonade; or so the adage goes. My response would b e . . .lemon meringue pie! No, wait, I would make Lemon Sponge Cake Pie! This was my father’s favorite pie and my mother’s go-to dessert for any special occasion. I don’t remember ever seeing it in a recipe book; Mom had it memorized and I made sure to put it in my collection of favorite recipes when I moved out on my own. (I’ve got to find that old red steno pad.) In 1999, when I moved my mother from Wyoming to live with my sist er in Georgia, Mom gave me what she said was her mother’s cookbook. It was an old, hardbound farm implement catalog from 1887 with newspaper clipping recipes glued on the pages. One clipping had the location of Sweetbrier Farm, April 11, 1886 . Clues As I looked at it more closely a few years later, with some genealogy research experience under my belt, I realized it might have belonged ...