What's New?
Where is your DNA? I don't mean in your genes; I mean where have you tested and/or uploaded your raw data files? Have you looked at your profile lately? Testing companies are making changes to their platforms, refining features and adding new ones. FtDNA July 1, 2021, Family Tree DNA rolled out several changes to their site. There is a new look to the Family Finder match page, designed to make easier searching, sorting and filtering your matches. FtDNA reports that they have made several adjustments to the matching algorithm for more accurately predicted relationship ranges. There is a new Help Button and, coming soon, is a Chromosome Painter. Check out the features at the site below. Updates To Matches & Chromosome Painter | FamilyTreeDNA Blog When I received the email notice of these changes I immediately thought of doing this blog. Then the next day I saw that it was the topic for a blog written by Judy G. Russell, the ...