More Favorite Tools for Genealogy
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from We've had more favorite tools submitted this past week; we hope you find these useful! One Note, Evernote Darlene Steffens : My favorite tool is One Note (Evernote also works) where I keep handy, just a mouse click away, a variety of research things including: web links sorted by (1) location (state & country) and (2) generic subject matter; a list of contact persons sorted by family line with email address links, phone, numbers, etc.; a list of source citation formats that I frequently use for copy/pasting into my tree's database; a log of correspondence exchanged sorted by family line, date, who, why, results; a To Do list by state/country where I can "park" those cemetery photos I need to take or the library facility I need to visit and what is needed there (you never know when a visit there is possible); and ever so much more. I like the convenience of all things collected into one place that will open on ...