August Society News and Activities


August Society News and Activities

It has not been a “lazy” summer for hard-working Society volunteers.  At a Special Membership Meeting, July 13, at the Black Diamond Library, the Bylaws Committee presented proposed new Bylaws for the Society.  Over the past year, the Bylaws Committee ably led by Dorothy Pretare with Marilyn Schunke and Valorie Zimmerman devoted countless hours of study and thought into developing a completely new governing document for our Society.  The members present adopted them after an active question and discussion period.   The next step is the adoption of Standing Rules at the Board Retreat on August 24th.  The proposed new structure will require many new volunteers to distribute the work required to achieve our mission of furthering genealogical research and promoting interest in family and local history.  Please say yes when I call you to request your participation.  Better yet, do not wait for me to call you, call me and volunteer.

The Family Tree Maker User Group will meet Saturday, August 3, at 10:15 am in the Auburn Library.  The meeting will be an open forum to share questions and answers about using the software effectively.

Immediately following the FTMUG, the 2020 Seminar Committee with gather for lunch for a project update and planning of next actions going forward.  Someone is needed to assist with procuring items for and organizing the Silent Auction and raffle.

Monday, August 12, the Genetic Genealogy / DNA Special Interest Group will meet to discuss how to work with DNA matches on  The meeting will be at WAPI, 28815 Pacific Hwy S. Suite 7A in Federal Way.  Come early to get a good seat.  If the weather is warm, dress accordingly.  Everyone participates in this discussion group.

The following Monday, the Technology Users Group will learn about “Syncing Genealogy Software with Websites.”  It will include syncing Ancestry and RootsMagic with Family Tree Maker and FamilySearch and MyHeritage with Legacy FamilyTree.  This meeting is also at WAPI.

If you would like to learn from home, The Southern California Genealogical Society is offering a free webinar, Wednesday, August 21 at 6 pm; How Do I Know That’s My Ancestor?  presented by Amy Johnson Crow, MLIS, CG®,  People with the same name, nicknames, changing names.  How do you know if the record you’re looking at is referring to the person in your tree and not just someone with the same name?

Start a shopping list for the ingredients needed for your favorite potluck dish!  August 24th at 10:00 am we will gather at Winona Laird’s home for an all-day retreat filled with fun, fellowship and planning the programs and activities of the Society for the coming year.  This will be the first meeting of the “new” Board as directed in the Bylaws adopted in July.  This retreat is for everyone!  We must have broad participation in making the important decisions that will guide us for the next twelve months.  Email Winona at to let her know you are coming and get her address.  Soon you will receive the proposed Standing Rules which will be considered and amended or adopted at this meeting.  Traditionally, this meeting replaces the September Board Meeting.

Congratulations to Mary Kircher Roddy of Seattle who has received her Certified Genealogist designation from the Board for Certification of Genealogists!  Mary has spoken to SKCGS on several occasions. 

Barbara Mattoon  
SKCGS President
1 Wikipedia/commons/George_Goodwin_Kilburne_The_Picnic

NOTE: images for this post were missing; the editors do not know why.


  1. Wow! We're impressive. And now I know why this summer has gone by so quickly!


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