My Voyage Through a Mayflower Society Application
By Michele Norton Mattoon If you find enough rough evidence to suspect you might be able to gain entrance into The Society of Mayflower Descendants, prepare yourself – it is not a quick process, however, it is extremely rewarding and personally links you to the beginnings of our nation’s history. It will also take you longer than the actual journey! I had suspected for some time that I might be descended from William Brewster, Edward Fuller and John Billington as I had found information about their descendants that dovetailed into the information I had discovered from working backward from myself, but had done little or nothing to confirm that as I suspected, correctly, that the approval process is long and involved. In 2014, I attended RootsTech in Salt Lake City, and found representatives from the General Society of Mayflower Descendants; some dressed in period costume! Deciding that I really needed to find out the next steps in pursuing the project, I decided to talk to ...