DNA: Dare to Grab the Gold Ring
Generated with AI Bing Image Creator 10 April 202, 8:46 PM If you have been thinking about using DNA in your family history research, but are not sure how useful it could be, or how to go about it, parts of this post may help. If you have been using DNA a little, but are not finding it helpful, perhaps this post will change your mind. Or you have been using it, but are having trouble applying findings to the rest of your research, read on. If you don't understand how to use the dot system to help you in your research goals, watch this Youtube (under 7 minutes): AncestryDNA Dot System: How to Use It! Large-size DNA Mystery Match? Don't give up hope! You have a solid foundation of research if you have: Tested on AncestryDNA, and connected yourself on your tree to your test , Built much of your line of interest from ancestors down to the living generation, and Applied the dot system to all matches down to ~25-30cM. Gold Ring Proce...