What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do?
We've all been there. Lots of things to do, but ..... Stymied. This feeling signals to me that I need to clear the decks, clear up unresolved issues, and maybe chart the progress so far! I recently viewed a webinar by Blaine Bettinger on the genetic family tree compared to the ancestral tree. On a fan chart, the concept is quite clear, and you can see his images here: https://thegeneticgenealogist.com/2009/11/10/qa-everyone-has-two-family-trees-a-genealogical-tree-and-a-genetic-tree/ Pinterest.com Genetic Family Tree I'm listening to a lecture by Tim Jantzen about using autosomal testing for ancestors into the 1700s, and he says, At 10 generations back in time, perhaps only about 12% of one's ancestors are contributors of autosomal DNA to your genome; only about 12 of your 1024 ancestors are your genetic ancestors. [1] I think it is a worthy goal -- paint or otherwise triangulate DNA matches from as many ancestry lines as possible and denote them on a fan chart, and see w...