
Showing posts with the label 2025

What'cha Gonna Do?

2025 Calendar Courtesy OpenClipart Whatcha Gonna Do This Year?  Some make New Year's resolutions; I usually try to set some goals, and look back and measure progress made during the year. Our former president and director of our Education team Barbara Mattoon has set an even higher bar, publicly announcing her goals in our SKCGS blog   2020--What's in Your New Year?  and   2024 Genealogy Resolutions . Lofty goals, and worthy of her dedication, skill and determination.  Inspiring. Back in 2021, I wrote "As I begin this new year, I was determined to not make any resolutions, yet I can't stop myself.  "The book Mastering Genealogical Proof by Thomas W. Jones was a Christmas gift, and I immediately dived into reading it. I even started blogging about it on my personal blog, . That's great, but unless I put the principles to work in my own research, what good does the reading and le...

Making Memories

  Another year, another memory? What memories will you make this year?  Get ready to share them! Vecteezy obtained 12-28-2024 " Martha, w hy do you do so much cooking and baking every holiday? Don't your daughters and daughters-in-law take over that work?" I overheard this question from among a group of ladies at a senior center several years ago. Martha's answer has always stuck with me and brings up an interesting viewpoint. "One of my most cherished memories of my grandmother was that she always made the most wonderful foods for each holiday. Yes, my mother and aunts cooked and baked, too, but Grandma's foods had that special ingredient of love, because of her extra effort. Grandma always cooked for the holidays. " I want my grandchildren to remember me that way , that I always cooked for the holidays." Vecteezy obtained 12-28-2024 Once, when my son was about 25 years old, he told me he remembered that, when he was a kid (5 or 6 years earlier), ...