
Showing posts with the label non-profits

Nominations are Open!

Our Member-at-Large announced Saturday Nominations for SKCGS President and Treasurer are open . We would be pleased to get applications soon. Write to  so the discussion and support can begin.  The team encourages all SKCGS Members to consider what you want from your Board of Directors, to send us your suggested candidates and consider applying yourselves.   Your Board of directors appreciates volunteers and will support new nominees as they get to know the Board members and the outlines of their prospective positions. South King County Genealogical Society President The President has a vital role in leading and guiding the organization to achieve its mission and goals . South King County Genealogical Society wants a President who:  Provides overall leadership and vision for the organization, ensuring that it remains focused on its mission and long-term objectives.  Inspires and motivates the board, volunteers, and stakeholders Wo...