
Showing posts with the label Google Meet

Challenges and Opportunities

  It is once again the end of the year; a new year begins in a few days.  In the past we asked if you had reflected on the old year.  Had you made goals, genealogy related, for the coming year?  Many of you had clear plans for attending seminars, conferences, and research trips.  Some had specific plans for further education; others planned to learn more about local historic facilities. This year started much the same way but there was a hint of a problem, a virus, half a world away.  By mid-March we were closing down meetings, isolating ourselves and hoarding toilet paper and hand sanitizer!   And we were changing our plans.  We postponed travel and cancelled meetings.  We were social distancing and loving it--NOT.  We, as individuals, and as society had to make some very quick changes. Online Groups Fortunately, the South King County Genealogical Society was more prepared than we had thought. When the Rootsweb lists died in 2019, ...

A Modern Tale

Onc e upon a time, in a land right next door, South King County Genealogical Society  had regular, person-to-person meetings on the third Saturday of most mon ths of the year.  People got up early and drove to the meeting place, were greeted at the door and received a printed handout provided by the speaker of the day.  People visited with each other and learned new techniques for researching their family trees.  They went h ome and tried new links from the printed handouts and then saved the paper copy in a file or notebook.   Life was routine, predictable.                                                                                                                    ...