Blessings and Gratitude

Last week, we shared some reasons for gratitude. As I write, tomorrow, a blessing is offered to all SKCGS Members: the chance to come to our local FamilySearch Center with Winona Laird as our host and guide. We'll have the place all to ourselves. She is able to schedule this treat about ten times every year. Look for the announcement for 19 January 2024, and RSVP!

Why is this so special? First, we have access in the FSC to almost all the "locked" files found in the FamilySearch Catalog

The catalog is where you will find records from countries around the world, US states, counties and many other categories of records as well. Most are open to all, 24 hours a day, from anywhere, but some can only be used in FamilySearch Centers. There are a few to be used only in Salt Lake at the main FamilySearch Library

The catalog is your way into the approximately 80% of the  records in FamilySearch which are not every-name searchable, although many are indexed within the records themselves, such as land, court, or probate records. The FamilySearch Wiki is one way to jump directly to the record set, but the Catalog shows you the breadth of the collection, and may give you new ideas of what can be found. And while you search at home, you can list those which are "locked" to you at home -- and can see at the FamilySearch Center!

But there's more! Have you ever noticed this panel to the right of every profile in the FamilySearch Family Tree? ----->

These sites can all be searched from the "portal" on every FSC computer, whether you have paid subscriptions or not. You can search them from home only if you have an account. 

At our Kent center, we also have access to The Newspaper Archive, Irish Ancestors, Fold3, ArkivDigital, FamNet (New Zealand), 19th Century British Library Newspapers, AmericanAncestors, Alexander Street, among so many others. 

Clicking into "Premium Sites" you will see:

Keep scrolling to see all the other sites.

FamilySearch Centers Worldwide

If you don't live locally, you can find your FamilySearch Center here: If you want to use particular premium sites, call your closest center and find out if they have it, and when you can visit. Remember, each center is staffed by volunteers, so making an appointment is always a good idea. 

By the way, we've written before about the power of using FamilySearch:

Valorie Zimmerman


  1. Should anyone wish to scan documents, books, photos, slides, negatives, movies (super 8. reg 8. camcorder, VHS, etc), audio cassette and reel to reel - and make them digital - it is a NEW FREE self service offered at the Tacoma FamilySearch Center - along with all the other wonderful things found at a FamilySearch Center. Sign up for time on a machinewith support- Open Tuesdays 10am - noon, 6pm - 8pm, Wed and Thurs 10am - 8pm and Saturdayrs 10am - 1pm and other times by appt. 253-564-1103 12th & S Pearl Street, Tacoma WA 98465 or on Facebook Tacoma Family Search Center Mary Anderson Director


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