Making Memories


Another year, another memory?

What memories will you make this year?  Get ready to share them!

Vecteezy obtained 12-28-2024

"Martha, why do you do so much cooking and baking every holiday? Don't your daughters and daughters-in-law take over that work?" I overheard this question from among a group of ladies at a senior center several years ago. Martha's answer has always stuck with me and brings up an interesting viewpoint.

"One of my most cherished memories of my grandmother was that she always made the most wonderful foods for each holiday. Yes, my mother and aunts cooked and baked, too, but Grandma's foods had that special ingredient of love, because of her extra effort. Grandma always cooked for the holidays.

"I want my grandchildren to remember me that way, that I always cooked for the holidays."

Vecteezy obtained 12-28-2024

Once, when my son was about 25 years old, he told me he remembered that, when he was a kid (5 or 6 years earlier), he loved coming home from school and smelling something cooking in the slow cooker. I was probably just making sure we had a good evening meal but it was a good memory for him.

At holiday time we often reflect on our memories of the past but this year let's turn things around. How do you want to be remembered?  What parts of you do you want your children and grandchildren to remember? Have you ever given it any thought?

Obviously we can't control what others will ultimately remember about us, but there are some efforts we can make to start the process.

Vecteezy obtained 12-28-2024

Many of you have made trips to interesting places and taken a grandchild or two with you. You have shared pictures on social media. Have you journaled about the trip and the special experience you shared? 

A story can anchor experience in memory. How about a scrapbook?  What other memories have you created with someone?  

Reminiscing is powerful.

2025: Year of Making Memories

Let's make 2025 the year that we make memories.  What will your descendants remember about you? This is an invitation for you readers to share those ways in which you would like to be remembered. Send your stories, with pictures if you have them, to for a future blog post.  We would all love to see what you have to share.

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MaryLynn Strickland


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