Genealogical Crime Mysteries

Vecteezy image October 20, 2024

What kind of reader are you?

Do you become involved with the characters in the book, locating their setting on a map even though the main town is fictional?  Do you enjoy books that have historical settings, either time period or location so you are immersing yourself in a favorite environment or are learning something new?  Do you look forward to the next adventure that a main character may experience, thus following them through a series of books?

If any of these traits describes you, you will probably greatly enjoy reading genealogical crime stories.  And you will find several authors to satisfy your hunger.

Vecteezy October 20, 2024

Genealogical Mysteries are like lessons in Genealogy

The authors take their characters through the trials and tribulations that most of us experience when we are researching.  We can identify with the frustration of a brick wall and rejoice with a character's successful discovery.

Good authors keep their characters up to date with the latest technology, introducing them to new websites and databases or using familiar resources and  tools such as those at FamilySearch or DNA Painter. 

DNA Auto Clusters

Readers anxiously await new volumes

Greatly anticipated, The Hollywood Strangler, is an Investigative Genetic Genealogy volume just released by my favorite author, Nathan Dylan Goodwin.  This is a superb example of learning how to do research while reading the story.  This is the third book in the Venetor series about a company that uses forensic DNA to help law enforcement solve cold cases.

Nathan Dylan Goodwin
The characters in Nathan's books are so believable and their plot lines are so well written that I find myself wanting to go online to follow along in their research.  I have to remind myself that this is fiction!  But I can benefit from technique and new sources for my own family research.

Meanwhile I am enjoying following Maddie and her crew's teamwork to solve a cold case while dealing with problems in their personal lives.  I admire Kenyatta and her dedication to the homeless population in Salt Lake City.  Will Maddie ever find what happened to her husband?  What's new with Hunter and Ross?


I've read genealogical crime mysteries by several authors and thoroughly enjoy them.  Have you discovered this genre yet?  If you have, and have a favorite author, please feel free to share your comments here.  If you haven't begun reading these books, I hope when you do that you enjoy them as much as I do.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

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  1. I am enjoying the "Hollywood Stranger" now. I recommend Mr. Goodwin's books.


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