Why We Do This

Sankofa bird; public domain image. "The “Sankofa” is a metaphorical symbol used by the Akan people of Ghana, generally depicted as a bird with its head turned backward taking an egg from its back. It expresses the importance of reaching back to knowledge gained in the past and bringing it into the present in order to make positive progress." https://sankofa.org/about

 Looking Back; Looking Forward

Thoughtful week here. For many reasons, I've been looking back—and forward, and thinking deeply about both. 

My term as president of the South King County Genealogical Society ends May 2025. If you are considering stepping up to ask the membership to entrust you with that responsibility, please contact me or another Board member for help to prepare you. Read about the duties of the President here

Term Limits

According to our Bylaws Section 5.4.3: "No President or Vice President shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office." I want to choose how best to spend my future time both in this Society, other genealogical organizations, and my own research. I have a book on the McBees started and want to finish, as well as spend more time with my family and friends. 

Much of the work that I do for the society is not described in the Standing Rules; some of it I love and want to continue, and much of it I would like to share with others. 

If you like what we do in our small meetings, the Tech User Group, Genetic Genealogy/DNA and Genealogy Chat, consider leading some of the meetings. Small groups rely on shared leadership to function effectively. This can include thinking of possible topics and doing background research, welcoming newcomers, noticing that someone might want to speak and encouraging them to do so, "co-hosting" in Zoom to help attendees mute or unmute, and more. 

I am 100% committed to continue to lead study groups each year, and would like the shared leadership described above in those groups too. 

We would like more regular blog writers. There are 52 weeks every year, which is a lot of short pieces! SKCGS is made up of many fine writers; when you have an idea for a post, please write to m.strickland@skcgs.org and develop your idea with MaryLynn. 

We would like a small financial review committee of one or two people who can work with the treasurer to review her work routinely. Our annual review is good and would be bolstered by more independent eyes on our accounts.

We need new SKCGS Resources leadership. Our long-time liaison with King County Library System has resigned, and one of our duties is to watch over the collection we have housed at the Auburn KCLS, ensure that the books on our shelves are accurately described on the website, and discuss issues with KCLS. Please write President@skcgs.org if you have an interest. 

Many of you know that I love NPR (National Public Radio) and our local affiliate, KUOW. This past week has been fundraising, so there have been lots of "greatest hits" pieces including one describing the original mission of NPR. Some of the phrases  resonate strongly. They describe what I want to accomplish in my personal life and also as a Member of SKCGS.

  • Promote personal growth
  • Regard individual differences...with respect and joy
  • Celebrate the human experience as infinitely varied
  • Encourage a sense of active constructive participation
  • Exploit potentials of live interconnection
  • Preserve and transmit the cultural past
  • Actively explore, investigate and interpret issues of national and international import
  • Increase the pleasure of living in a pluralistic society. Radio With A Purpose: Bill Siemering On NPR's Original Mission Statement
It has been the honor of my life to serve this wonderful society as President. While there have been challenges, the past 3-plus years have mostly been full of friendship, unexpected offers of help and collaboration, discoveries, some not-fun jobs balanced by growth in new skills and opportunities. You all have taught me what an honor it is to serve our communities, our families, living and dead, and the future. 🥂 Thank you.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Send stories to m.strickland@skcgs.org

Valorie Zimmerman


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