Happy 40th Anniversary!

Do you remember 40 years ago? Our SKCGS newsletter does! 

  South King County Genealogical Society Newsletter, V. 1, No. 1

Above is the top of Volume 1, Number 1 of the Newsletter, which later became SoKingNews. Thank you to Katie Hanzeli who scanned these newsletters from her own collection, Rich Thayer who kept our digital files safe, Michele Mattoon who uploaded them, and Tina Lawson who has been getting them onto our website

SKCGS incorporated in September 1984 and put out the first newsletter one year later. Amazing to look at that old tech - remember typing mimeograph "masters?" not a fun job. 

What fun that they were celebrating their first picnic! We've been searching for creative ways to celebrate our 40th anniversary, and a picnic this summer would be lovely. We just need someone to volunteer to organize it. 

You can see MaryLynn's contribution of the top image in this post, and in our new blog header, at https://skcgs.blogspot.com/

Ten years later, there was still celebration: 🎉

The SoKING Newsletter, September 1994, Vol. 10, No. 1

Don't you love this? These days, we have no physical meeting place, so serving cake would be difficult! Zoom has lots of features, but cake is not one of them. 

So, what is your idea of a great way to celebrate? How would YOU like to participate? The Board is gathering ideas and volunteers, so please talk to us!

Screenshot of Variety's
Actors on Actors (Youtube)

One of MaryLynn's ideas was interviews with some of the long-time members. Do you have someone you would love to interview, either in person or via Zoom. Or, something like "Variety Studio: Actors on Actors" where two people interview one another. If you are a long-time member, who would YOU like to interview? Recorded interviews would be great! As would even interviews by phone or email. Set your imagination free!

Now that we have this wonderful trove of SKCGS history, we hope to bring you more delightful tidbits from the 35 years of newletters, and perhaps revisit a few of the past 5 years here on Blogger. 

Valorie Zimmerman


  1. Here is a suggested question for an interview--"If you could get advice from any person, who would you choose? What would you ask?"


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