2023: Drawing to a Close

 2023: Drawing to a Close

Courtesy Picryl.com

As we enter the holiday season, it felt like a good time to look back at the year. 

Year of Collaboration

In January, I said that for me, it would be the year of collaboration. In so many ways, it has turned out that way, both on a genealogy society level, personally and in my genealogy work. 

Our society collaborated with Eastside Genealogical Society to sponsor two speakers, one (Dr. Leah Larkin) presented at one of their evening meetings, and one (Angela Packer McGhie, CG) will present at our general meeting in January. Both the Washington State Genealogical Society and the Washington Presidents Council exist to promote and support local societies and rely on collaboration. 

SKCGS is a member of the National Genealogical Society, which, since it merged with the Federation of Genealogical Societies a few years back recognized "the need to coordinate projects so societies, libraries, and archives would not duplicate the work of other groups at various local and state levels. FGS also knew activism was needed to protect access to genealogical records and to advance preservation instead of destruction of records. These critical roles in the genealogical community are now part of the new NGS." https://www.ngsgenealogy.org/welcome-to-the-new-ngs/

So now, NGS exists to support our genealogy organizations and "Help Build Your Family History." They say "Genealogy education and training are at the core of NGS’s mission." As the SKCGS NGS Delegate, I see our work supported both as researchers and educators, and also as organization leaders.

Digging Into the Past

Here on the blog, occasionally we dipped far into the past: 
What’s YOUR Story? 

We touched on some stories with both sad and happy threads, like: 

So much of our work uncovers events that can sadden, inspire or even disgust us, as in Tough Times and Hard History

The past truly is another country; they did things differently there (paraphrase of L.P. Hartley). Or maybe as Forrest Gump said, a box of chocolates; when you open it you never know what you're gonna find. 


This year we wrote about education:


We also have some posts about methodology:

What's Your Review?

As you review your progress this year and make your plans for the future, Organizing is a Bunch of Four Letter Words is worth re-reading. Also, the images are hilarious! We always think of you, the reader, and what we can write about that will help you in your genealogy research journey. Your comments and other feedback along with your stories and other submissions are really valuable! I hope your new year diligence brings A New Can of Worms like it did for MaryLynn and me!

Valorie Zimmerman


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