Organizations Collaborate Too!

 It has come to my attention that people serving in their community are often involved with more than one organization.  It is also becoming very evident that organizations are collaborating with each other for the benefit of the general public.  


For several years, South King County Genealogical Society has provided genealogical help at branches of the King County Library System.  As the Auburn Library Branch has re-opened after Covid closure, SKCGS volunteers are providing genealogical help once a month.  (We could do it more often if we had more volunteers. Write to to volunteer.)


Many of our society members are also involved with other heritage organizations such as General Society of Mayflower Descendants, and Daughters of the American Revolution.  


"MFS is the Black Diamond 2022 Community Service Group Award recipient!!  The award ceremony will start at 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 4th.  Please join us as our chapter is presented with this wonderful honor."  

MFS stands for Mary Fell Stevenson. She was a founder and one of the original white settlers of Enumclaw. Her grave needs attention and the Chapter is working on that.  

MFS Chapter has participated in the Black Diamond Labor Day celebration for several years. Last year and this year they coordinated and judged the pie baking contest and participate in the parade.  

The big project this year has been the construction of a Memorial Garden at the Black Diamond Cemetery. SKCGS Member, Katie Hanzeli, has been a leader of that project.

SKCGS & the White River Valley Museum

 The topic for the October 15 SKCGS General Meeting is Preservation of Documents and Other Family History Materials, (tentative title)  presented by staff from the White River Valley Museum, an Auburn facility.  We look forward to more joint projects in the future.

SKCGS & the Des Moines Historical Museum

The Des Moines Historical Museum, SKCGS blog, was published June 21, 2021, written by Barbara Mattoon.  This week we received an email asking, "After being closed for two years because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Des Moines Historical Society (DMHS) is opening up. Would it be possible for someone from the SKCGS to present a program this fall at our museum on a genealogical topic?"

Barbara Mattoon, Education Chair is working on this.  If you have a presentation you would like to give, please contact her at

SKCGS & the Black Diamond Historical Society

Several society members are working on the Black Miners of Franklin project, researching the families and entering them on  This is in collaboration with the Black Diamond Historical Society in Black Diamond.


We have mentioned several times that the cemetery at Ravensdale is in bad condition and needs some tender loving care.  We have not been able to make contact with the proper authorities to begin a project but we have received  communication from several people who are interested in participating.

SKCGS is a member of AKCHO, Association of King County Historical Organizations, where we can network with other organizations for successful completion of projects for the benefit of our communities. 

We're always interested in hearing from people and organizations who want to collaborate. Write to with your ideas. 


  1. Thank you for pulling all of these efforts together. It is really encouraging!


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