2020 was a year! And yet, a good year for our Society

Image by Miroslava Chrienova from Pixabay 

Covid stopped us cold in March 2020, and yet only two meetings were cancelled. As we learned how to host virtual meetings, our online group communication became busier and more of a comfort to all of us. The time just to chat after meetings became so precious that we created "Genealogy Books Q&A" April 27 and it was a huge success. 

We've not traded lookups much since, but our monthly chats have continued, now the fourth Monday afternoon each month. We have made friendships, deeper and stronger than one would ever expect with joy in having found each other.  We even had a New Year's Eve party!

Virtual is safe, fun and EASY

Since April, our monthly third Saturday general meetings have continued with presentations by society members and nationally known speakers, all accessed safely by virtual media.  And we aren't through yet!  We have speakers planned through May 2021 and a virtual seminar with Judy G. Russell, The Legal Genealogist on June 5.  Watch for more details soon!

Online is where it's at!

Society@skcgs.groups.io is busy with collaboration and problem-solving, sharing resources, questions and answers. 2020 saw over 900 messages and 184 online group members! Support from paying members is holding firm and growing both locally and nationwide; we have 82 current members.  

We appreciate those who support us with their dues and contributions. See our online store to join or donate; or http://skcgs.org/membership.html to download a form to include with your check.

Image from Pixabay

We're here to help

We also appreciate the people who have stepped up with their experience and knowledge about technology and genealogy. Our online storage of documents, meeting minutes and publicity is now well organized. We have two YouTube tutorials to help people access our group meetings from computers or phones and tablets; at YouTube.com search for skcgs . Watch for more usability aids in the future.

Seminar magic!

Our Seminar committee pulled off a miracle this year. After we had to postpone our June DNA Seminar with Diahan Southard due to Covid, an agreement was reached with Diahan to hold an online seminar October 24 with two one-hour sessions. We were able to charge only $20, were able to give away some great door prizes and even made some money! About 80 people learned so much.

Research Group

From our Genealogy Chats grew the impetus for the Persons of Interest meetings and an online group where the 29 members collaborate: https://skcgs.groups.io/g/Research-Group. If you want to participate, see https://skcgs.groups.io/g/Research-Group/wiki.

Collaboration with King County Library System

We missed our service at the Genealogy Help Desks at the King County Library System  which volunteers staffed once a month at the Burien and Covington libraries, and twice a month at the Auburn library. MaryLynn discussed with KCLS how we could contribute, and in May we began presenting genealogy topics one evening a month. Fun and popular, we hope to continue these through 2021.

Family Tree Maker Group

Our "old" groups continue to thrive online, and in fact may continue online even after we can gather in person for general meetings. FamilyTreeMaker User Group meets on the first Saturday of each month. 29 members: https://skcgs.groups.io/g/FTMUG

Technology Users

The Technology User Group (TUG), which was founded in 2017 is going strong, with 65 members of the online group: https://skcgs.groups.io/g/TUG. Meeting topics and notes on the Wiki: https://skcgs.groups.io/g/TUG/wiki/24279

Genetic Genealogy/DNA

Our Genetic Genealogy/DNA group began in 2019 and now has 97 members! https://skcgs.groups.io/g/Genetic-Genealogy. Meeting topics and notes: https://skcgs.groups.io/g/Genetic-Genealogy/wiki/24230. Some of the members of this group wanted to grow their fundamental knowledge of DNA by studying Genetic Genealogy in Practice by Blaine T. Bettinger and Debbie Parker Wayne.  For more info: https://skcgs.groups.io/g/Study-Group.

Coming up in 2021: More Collaboration

Picture property of Black Diamond Museum, permission granted for use in this purpose.

We have some new projects which, so far, have been in the planning stage. In collaboration with the Black Diamond Historical Society and Museum we want to honor the Black miners who worked the mine at Franklin, beginning with their arrival in 1892. Black Heritage of Franklin, Washington: https://skcgs.groups.io/g/Black-Heritage-Franklin. We hope to get this really rolling in 2021. If you want to help research these miners, please write to MaryLynn, m.strickland@skcgs.org


Our very newest is the effort to rejuvenate the Ravensdale Cemetery. A new group will be announced once we have permission from the landowners to begin the cleanup. Please write Katie Hanzelli, k.hanzeli@skcgs.org to volunteer.

Valorie Cowan Zimmerman
Valorie Cowan Zimmerman


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