South King County Genealogical Society Activities


The September General Meeting featured the presentation of a Washington State Genealogical Society Outstanding Volunteer award to our long-time member, Katie Hanzeli.  The award highlighted the many areas in which she has served and continues to serve SKCGS. 

Lori Lee Sauber presented a method of organizing genealogical research using project management methodology.  The advantage of this method of organization is that it is easily customized to meet the needs of any researcher.  She urged using a version of this method to avoid “abandoned” genealogy projects  It also helps keep the researcher on track to complete a project by a self-imposed or outside imposed deadline.  As a result of her presentation, I have revisited Trello.  It is easy to set up the project board. You receive positive reinforcement when you move the task card to the “Completed” column.

We welcomed one returning member, Pat Noecker, and three new members at the September 21 meeting.  Jack Barney, whom Rich Thayer and I met at the Covington Library Help Desk, joined.  Jack has recently moved to Covington.  He has been researching his Colonial New England family for a long time.  Mary Jaffee, of Port Orchard, another long-time genealogist joined us because she wants to become better acquainted within the local genealogical community.  She has written a historical novel about her Irish immigrant ancestors.  Luann Peterson, of Renton joined the Society because she wants to learn more about researching properly.  She has deep roots in Clallam County, and her husband’s ancestors are long-time residents of the Renton area.
The next meeting of the SKCGS Board of Directors will be Tuesday, October 1, at 7:00 pm at the Valley Regional Fire Department, 1101 D St NE, Auburn.  Publicity will be the focus of the meeting.  All members are welcome, but only Directors may vote. 

The Family Tree Maker Users Group will meet Saturday, October 5, at the Auburn Public Library from 10:15 – 11:45 am.  Contact for more information. 

DNA Relatives – 23andMe will be the topic of the Genetic Genealogy Group’s meeting on Monday, October 14, from 1 – 3 pm.  The location is WAPI, 28815 Pacific Hwy. S. Suite 7A in Federal Way. 

The SKCGS General Meeting welcomes back Lisa Oberg on October 19.  Lisa will entertain and enlighten us about “Burial Practices and Headstone Interpretation.”

Join the Technology Users Group, Monday, October 21, from 1 – 3 pm at WAPI, to learn how to use the Family Search Wiki (and other valuable Wikis).

On Wednesday, October 23, you can attend the NARA Virtual Technology Fair in your pajamas.  It starts at 7 am Pacific Time! 

Enjoy a research group just for SKCGS members Friday, October 25, 1 – 3 pm at the Kent Family History Center.  You must RSVP to in advance to take advantage of this opportunity.

Barbara Mattoon

SKCGS President


  1. Congratulations Katie! The Society is on the move, and you are a big part of that.


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