2019 Outstanding Volunteer

The Washington State Genealogical Society honors volunteers who have provided outstanding service to the genealogy community at its Annual Meeting in May each year.  The South King County Genealogical Society is proud that Janet O’Conor Camarata was honored this year. Janet served SKCGS as President from 2013 -2015, and as Publicity Chair for nine years. She founded our popular Technology Users Group, and this year co-founded our new Genetic Genealogy/DNA Users Group.  She continues to frequently lead both groups as well as delivering genealogy education lectures statewide and beyond.

Our Bylaws Committee; Dorothy Pretare, Marilyn Schunke and Valorie Zimmerman have spent many hours this past year reviewing and rewriting our Bylaws and producing our first Standing Rules.  The adoption of these proposed bylaws will totally change the governance and operation of our Society.  Your Board of Directors has recommended the adoption of the bylaws.  If they are adopted by the membership, the proposed Standing Rules will be referred to the Board of Directors.  I am sure you will want to be a part of this important decision.  Plan to attend the Special Membership Meeting, Saturday, July 13th, at 10:30 am, in the Black Diamond Library.  Please carpool with friends as parking is limited.  After the meeting, iced tea and cookies from the famous Black Diamond Bakery will be served!  Only members in good standing may vote, so be sure your dues are paid.

SKCGS will have a booth to promote interest in genealogy and recruit members for our Society at the Auburn 4th of July Celebration in Les Gove Park.  In addition to our booth, there will be entertainment, food trucks, and all sorts of summer fun.  Please sign up with Debbie McCleary at membership@skcgs.org to work just one hour in our booth, then enjoy the rest of the day at the celebration.

Hopefully, you are not one of those people who keep all their genealogy in an online tree.  It is crucial to have your valuable information also in a tree on your desktop or laptop computer.  There are many to choose from, but if Family Tree Maker is your application of choice, consider joining our FTM User Group on Saturday, July 6th, at the Auburn Library.  We gather at 10:15 and endeavor to finish by 11:45 am.  Questions from the group are discussed in an open forum, and new features are introduced, explained, and sometimes debated. 

The Genetic Genealogy/DNA Group will continue their discussion of Triangulation at their meeting on July 15th.  They meet from 1 – 3 pm (and sometimes longer), at WAPI, 28815 Pacific Hwy. S, Suite 7A, in Federal Way.  The view from the meeting room is stunning.

Monday, July 22nd, we will be back at WAPI from 1 – 3 pm, with our Technology Users Group. The topic is “Metadata: What Is It and Why Do I Care?”  It will be an excellent follow up to our June discussion and practice with digital images.

It looks like SKCGS does not take the summer off.  Plan ahead for FTM Users Group the first Saturday in August, GGG/DNA the second Monday, TUG the third Monday and the annual all-day Board Retreat and Planning Potluck August 24th.

NOTE: This post is missing both images; the editors do not know why.

Barbara Mattoon
SKCGS President


  1. Congratulations, Janet. Now that I'm wearing your old Publicity hat, I see how much you did! Striving to measure up!


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