November 2018 SKCGS Activities

By Barbara Mattoon

Dave Liesse presented “Lesser Known Features of Family Tree Maker” at the Family Tree Maker Users Group November 3.  It was a fast paced, fact-filled presentation.  Dave has agreed to write it as a blog post to be published December 17, 2018.

The Board of Directors held its regular meeting November 6.  In addition to regular business we held a round-robin discussion on how each of us could personally recruit and retain members.  Everyone made a commitment to an action that they would personally take.  You will notice that the loop is now on our web page.  Those who staff Library Help Desks committed to write personal notes to those they helped, and the President committed to write personal notes to guests attending the general meeting.  Both of these actions have been effective.

Publicity Chair, Cheri Sayer and President Barbara Mattoon attended a Media Strategy Workshop presented by SoCo Culture on November 14.  The presenter was the Social Media Director for the City of Kent who gave us several new ideas for improving our social media effectiveness and some traditional media outlets we had not thought of using.

Friday, November 16, Winona Laird hosted the Research Group at the Kent Family History Center located in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  The Center offers free access to,, My Heritage, Find My Past and others.  This is a great opportunity to use those sites to which you may not have a subscription.  The next Research Group will be January 18, 2019.  Why not put it on your calendar right now?

Janet Camarata presented “A Guide to Cemetery Records” at the General Meeting on Saturday, November 17.  Five guests attended, one of whom has asked to join the Society.  Several came because of contacts made at the Library Help Desks and one as a result of help she had received from Jan Emerson at the Auburn Public Library.

Janet Camarata was busy.  On Monday, November 19, she led the Technology User Group with a presentation of Google Maps, Google Earth Pro and Earthpoint. 

Google Maps provides satellite imagery, street maps, traffic conditions, etc.  It is useful for directions and the app can be installed on your phone.

Google Earth Pro will superimpose satellite and aerial images over an area. It has permission to go on public, but not private roads when recording street views. You can document a story by pinpoints and record it as a video. You can use layers to find cemeteries, places of worship, libraries and museums, among other things.

You can enter a land description in the BLO and it will take you to Google Earth Pro.

Earthpoint is a tool for Google Earth. You do not have to purchase a subscription even though it will try to get you to do so. To use: go into USA utilities, township & range, search by description. This site deals mostly with the western USA. If you have Google Earth open, you can fly there.

Saturday, December 1, Winona Laird will present “Reports in Family Tree Maker” to the FTM User Group.  The meeting will be from 10:15 – 11:45 am in the Small Meeting Room of the Kent Library.

Tuesday, December 4, Winona Laird will host our annual holiday potluck in her home at 6:30 p.m.  All members are encouraged to attend.  RSVP to Winona at letting her know what you are bringing to share.  She will respond with her address.

As you can see, SKCGS has many opportunities for you to enhance your genealogy experience.  I hope you will plan to take advantage of them in the coming months.

Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Barbara Mattoon, President

Photo and TUG Meeting notes courtesy of Michele Norton Mattoon


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