Geneanet - now for DNA matching too!
If you have recent immigrant ancestors, especially from France, perhaps you have used Geneanet . The free resources are quite good. So it was with some excitement that I saw: Geneanet now launches Geneanet DNA, a new beta test service which allows you to upload the raw data of a DNA test kit taken with any company, to compare it to other Geneanet members' DNA data. Click here to discover Geneanet DNA The FamilySearch Wiki describes Geneanet: Geneanet was launched in 1996 by genealogy enthusiasts to help family history researchers sharing their data. They wanted their users to pay only if they want and that’s why they created the Premium service. Most of the website pages and features are available for free but you can take advantage of Ad-Free browsing, more effective search engine and access to additional records by subscribing to the Premium. The site can be viewed in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. They add: Geneanet is especially u...